Thursday, February 5, 2015

Yangjaecheon in Late December - Early February

Spring isn't quite here yet. There are icy puddles on the concrete, brittle branches trembling when birds flutter past, off-white leaves of feathery bristlegrass billowing in the wind, the sting on the tip of my nose. 

I've been taking walks along my beloved Yangjaecheon lately. I wanted to share my pictures with you. Some are blurry, some are grainy. I hope they capture the still serenity that I love about the stream - the gem that can only be observed in late winter mornings. 

The familiar scene seen from afar 

Reflected across the small ripples

Mallard ducks - shades of dusty brown, cream, sepia, dark velvet green, and a hint of sandy yellow

Can you guess? Is the sun setting or rising?

Like ice cracking across the surface

Silhouetted against the skies

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